An opera singer breaks a thin glass with only the use of her high frequency voice
The liquid turns to a gas.
If a liquid is heated the particles are given more energy and move faster and faster expanding the liquid. Particles in the middle of the liquid form bubbles of gas in the liquid.
Moreover, Boss says that even if Jupiter is proven to have a core, the planet still could have formed that core through disk instability. Enough dust could have collected and cemented together in the dense gas to form a core many times larger than the size of the Earth.
The same is true of most other objects in the solar system — except Jupiter. The gas giant is so big that it pulls the center of mass between it and the sun, also known as the barycenter, some 1.07 solar radii from the star's center — which is about 30,000 miles above the sun's surface.
69,911 km
69,911 kmJupiter/Radius
Answer:2.6 h
Total Trip distance=450 miles
Meeting starts after 10.8 hours
safe Fastest speed is 55 mi/h
so if he drives all the to the meeting with max speed then it takes
and total allowable time is 10.8
Therefore longest time he can spend over dinner is