Arrangement of inter molecular forces from strongest to weakest.
- Hydrogen bonding
- Dipole-dipole interactions
- London dispersion forces.
Intermolecular forces are defined as the attractive forces between two molecules due to some polar sides of molecules. They can be between nonpolar molecules.
Hydrogen bonding is a type of dipole dipole interaction between the positive charge hydrogen ion and the slightly negative pole of a molecule. For example H---O bonding between water molecules.
Dipole dipole interactions are also attractive interactions between the slightly positive head of one molecule and the negative pole of other molecules.
But they are weaker than hydrogen bonding.
London dispersion forces are temporary interactions caused due to electronic dispersion in atoms of two molecules placed together. They are usually in nonpolar molecules like F2, I2. they are weakest interactions.
it is equal to 1000 gram calories
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Benzene must be kept away from flames.