The gravity is pushing the water downward so Wayne could go down but the water is pushing Wayne to go up which would make him float.
Eddy Current Testing
Basic Principles
History of ET
Present State of ET
The Physics
Properties of Electricity
Current Flow & Ohm's Law
Induction & Inductance
Self Inductance
Mutual Inductance
Circuits & Phase
Depth & Current Density
Phase Lag
Eddy Current Instruments
Resonant Circuits
Impedance Plane
Display - Analog Meter
Probes (Coils)
Probes - Mode of Operation
Probes - Configuration
Probes - Shielding
Coil Design
Impedance Matching
Procedures Issues
Reference Standards
Signal Filtering
Surface Breaking Cracks
SBC using Sliding Probes
Tube Inspection
Heat Treat Verification
Thickness of Thin Mat'ls
Thickness of Coatings
Advanced Techniques
Multi-Frequency Tech.
Swept Frequency Tech.
Pulsed ET Tech.
Background Pulsed ET
Remote Field Tech.
Formulae& Tables
EC Standards & Methods
EC Material Properties
Current Flow and Ohm's Law
Ohm's law is the most important, basic law of electricity. It defines the relationship between the three fundamental electrical quantities: current, voltage, and resistance. When a voltage is applied to a circuit containing only resistive elements (i.e. no coils), current flows according to Ohm's Law, which is shown below.
I = V / R 
I =
Electrical Current (Amperes)
V =
Voltage (Voltage)
R =
Resistance (Ohms)
Ohm's law states that the electrical current (I) flowing in an circuit is proportional to the voltage (V) and inversely proportional to the resistance (R). Therefore, if the voltage is increased, the current will increase provided the resistance of the circuit does not change. Similarly, increasing the resistance of the circuit will lower the current flow if the voltage is not changed. The formula can be reorganized so that the relationship can easily be seen for all of the three variables.
The Java applet below allows the user to vary each of these three parameters in Ohm's Law and see the effect on the other two parameters. Values may be input into the dialog boxes, or the resistance and voltage may also be varied by moving the arrows in the applet. Current and voltage are shown as they would be displayed on an oscilloscope with the X-axis being time and the Y-axis being the amplitude of the current or voltage. Ohm's Law is valid for both direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). Note that in AC circuits consisting of purely resistive elements, the current and voltage are always in phase with each other.
Exercise: Use the interactive applet below to investigate the relationship of the variables in Ohm's law. Vary the voltage in the circuit by clicking and dragging the head of the arrow, which is marked with the V. The resistance in the circuit can be increased by dragging the arrow head under the variable resister, which is marked R. Please note that the vertical scale of the oscilloscope screen automatically adjusts to reflect the value of the current.
See what happens to the voltage and current as the resistance in the circuit is increased. What happens if there is not enough resistance in a circuit? If the resistance is increased, what must happen in order to maintain the same level of current flow?
The five-step process for treating a muscle or joint injury such as an ankle sprain is called "P.R.I.C.E." which is short for Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation).
Physical fitness is related to our ability to carry out daily tasks without being too tired or sore. This statement is TRUE.
<h3>Further explanation
Good physical fitness means that you can perform daily activities, occupations, and sports. This condition will be achieved through good nutrition, regular exercise, and have enough rest.
The benefit of physical activity and exercise can be immediate as well as long-term. Most importantly, regular activity can improve your quality of life.There are four types of physical fitness:
- Cardiovascular exercise: exercises that increase the work of the heart and lungs, such as walking, jogging, step aerobics, swimming, and biking. Cardio activity improves your heart/lung function and muscle mass.
- Muscular strength exercise: this exercise is to build overall strength and muscle mass.
- Joint flexibility exercise: this exercise to help the ability of the muscle group can be stretched or joint can be moved, for example: bending, lifting and driving. Stretching can reduce the risk of injury.
- Muscular endurance exercise: this exercise to find out how many repetitions of exercises a person can perform, such as push-ups and sit-ups.
<h3>Learn more
Physical activity
Environment factors that affecting physical fitness
Factors that influence physical fitness
Keywords: physical fitness, the definition of physical fitness, physical activity
Meters per second squared:
If you think about it, acceleration is about how fast speed changes. Speed is measured in meters per second:
So if you take that and just measure it over time, you get meters per second squared.