When picking up a load the correct fork spacing should be<span> 6 inches and also</span>the forks must be spaced a<span>s wide apart as necessary for the maximum support of the load</span><span>.
Explanation: </span> When picking up a load the forks should be positioned so that the load is evenly distributed in which the center stringer of the pallet and the balance of the load should be spaced evenly in which makes the picking up the load to be correct and well-balanced. Other types of load, for example, a metal stillage, may have the forks set wider as there is enough strength in the bottom to prevent damage.
<span>When picking up a load, the correct fork spacing must be spaced in an evenly manner in which the centre stringer of the pallet and the balance of the load should be spaced evenly in which makes the picking up the load to be correct and well-balanced.</span>