Absolute viscosity is the evaluation of the resistance (INTERNAL) of the fluid flow
Kinematic viscosity relates to the dynamic viscosity and density proportion.
SUS stands for Sabolt Universal Seconds. it is units which described the variation of oil viscosity
Absolute viscosity is the evaluation of the resistance (INTERNAL) of the fluid flow, whereas Kinematic viscosity relates to the dynamic viscosity and density proportion. fluid with distinct kinematic viscosities may have similar dynamic viscosities and vice versa.Dynamic viscosity provides you details of power required to make the fluid flow at some rate, however kinematic viscosity shows how quick the fluid moves when applying a certain force.
SUS stands for Sabolt Universal Seconds. it is units which described the variation of oil viscosity when change with change in temperature. it is measured by using viscosimeter.
b)1.08 N
Given that
velocity of air V= 45 m/s
Diameter of pipe = 2 cm
Force exerted by fluid F

So force exerted in x-direction

F=0.763 N
So force exerted in y-direction

F=0.763 N
So the resultant force R

So the force required to hold the pipe is 1.08 N.

Reynolds number:
Reynolds number describe the type of flow.If Reynolds number is too high then flow is called turbulent flow and Reynolds is low then flow is called laminar flow .
Reynolds number is a dimensionless number.Reynolds number given is the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force.

For plate can be given as

Where ρ is the density of fluid , v is the average velocity of fluid and μ is the dynamic viscosity of fluid.
Flow on plate is a external flow .The values of Reynolds number for different flow given as

The relationship between resistance and the area of the cross section of a wire is inversely proportional . When resistance is increased in a circuit , for example by adding more electrical components , the current decreases as a result.
± 0.003 ft
Since our distance is 10,000 ft and we need to use a full tape measure of 100 ft. We find that 10,000 = 100 × 100.
Let L' = our distance and L = our tape measure
So, L' = 100L
Now by error determination ΔL' = 100ΔL
Now ΔL' = ± 0.30 ft
ΔL = ΔL'/100
= ± 0.30 ft/100
= ± 0.003 ft
So, the maxim error per tape is ± 0.003 ft