Made of Silicon.
A diode is a semiconductor device use in mostly electronic appliances. It is two terminals device consisting of a P-N junction formed either in Germanium or silicon crystal.
Diode can be forward biased or reverse biased.
When a diode is forward biased and the applied voltage is increased from zero, hardly any current flows through the device in the beginning.
It is so because the external voltage is being opposed by the internal barrier voltage whose value is 0.7v for silicon and 0.3v for germanium.
If you measure 0.7 V across a diode, the diode is probably therefore made of Silicon.
The wind is an actual form of solar energy. winds are caused by the heating of the atmosphere by the sun, the rotation of the earth, and the earth's surface irregularities. The wind is capture in a wind turbine which provides a renewable energy source, the wind makes the rotor spin, as the rotor spins the movement of the blades drives a generator that creates energy, also known as wind power. The average wind efficiency of turbines is between 35-45%.
Advantages of wind power
- Wind power is cost-effective
- wind creates jobs
- wind enables US industry growth and US competitiveness
-it's a clean fuel source
I won leader solution contain 0.46 mL of hydronic I said of 0.3 potassium
Está constituido por dos bobinas de material conductor, devanadas sobre un núcleo cerrado de material ferromagnético, pero aisladas entre sí eléctricamente. ... Las bobinas o devanados se denominan primario y secundario según correspondan a la entrada o salida del sistema en cuestión, respectivamente.
A ductile material can convert into brittle material due to following reasons
1.At very low temperature
2.Due to presence of notch
In titanic ,the base of ship strike to the large ice cube and lower part of titanic ship material was made of steel .We know that steel is ductile material and when steel came with very low temperature of ice due to this ductile material converted in to brittle material and titanic ship failed.Brittle material does not show any indication before failure.