Let's try to find some primes that divide this number.
The number is not divisible by 2, because it is odd.
The number is divisible by 3 though, because the sum of its digits is:
So, we can divide the number by 3 and keep going with the factorization:
This number is again divisible by 3, because
We have
This number is no longer divisible by 3. Let's go on looking for primes that divide it: 5 doesn't because the number doesn't end in 0 nor 5. This number is not divisible by 7 or 11 either (just try). It is divisible by 13 though: we have
And 557 is prime, so we're done. This means that the prime factorization of 65169 is
The next larger thousandth is 36.994 .
The next smaller thousandth is 36.992 .
Neither of those is any nearer to 36.993
than 36.993 already is.
The last '3' at the end of 36.993 is in the thousandths' place.
There is no more piece of another thousandth after it.
So 36.993 is already on a complete thousandth, and
there's no rounding required.
The answer would round to 55%
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
There are 7 days in week:
6*7 = 42
The restaurant sold 42 pizzas that week.