Many firms develop a formal marketing plan to answer the question: who is your target market and how do you plan to reach them. A marketing plan is a comprehensive document which sets out an organization's overall marketing strategy. A marketing plan will include digital media, print media as well as product development strategies. The marketing plan takes the organization's mission statement and turns it into a practical plan. Its goal is to practically implement the reason for the organization's existance.
Kinetic energy is energy that an object has because of its motion. The Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the forces between molecules and the energy that they possess. This theory is based on three theories about matter. Matter is composed of small particles (atoms, molecules, and ions).
I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option D. The model of the universe that suggests that the sun is the center of the universe was first brought by Copernicus. His model is known as the "Sun centered model".
voltage across the resistor