Answer: Option A
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of the vellocity.
Then, if the acceleration is equal zero, the object has a constant velocity or a velocity equal to zero (also constant, of course)
Then, te correct option would be option A; resting, because an object resting has instantaneuos acceleration of zero.
Connection to Big Idea about energy: Gravity creates gravitational potential energy. Gravitational energy relies on the masses of two bodies and their distance.
Connection to Big Idea about the universe: Gravitational force is exerted by all objects with mass throughout the Universe. It is what keeps the Earth and the planets in orbit around the Sun, and our Solar System in orbit around the centre of the Milky Way. Gravity is one of the forces involved in the birth of stars, their evolution and finally their death.
Connection to Big Idea about Earth: The gravitational force is responsible for many physical properties of Earth and consequently it affects the existence and the properties of living creatures on it. For instance, the existence, the chemical composition and the structure of Earth’s atmosphere was determined by Earth’s gravitational force.
Considering the unknown resistence as R and using the Ohm's First Law, we have:
The equivalent resistence is given by the resistor series with the lamp resistence.

If you notice any mistake in my english, please let me know, because i am not native.
1) The energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity is called nuclear energy.
2) It is not renewable because it is an element that has no way whatsoever to regenerate or replicate itself, nor gets created by any natural terrestrial means, neither makes itself available by arriving from outer space (like sunlight). There is a limited amount of it available on the Earth, and every bit you use is a bit you’ll never have available again (as Uranium atoms get destroyed by the fission process).
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