<span>B) Both soap brands out perform hand sanitizer in killing bacteria.</span>
Looking at the data, the conclusion is pretty obvious, the two different types of soap resulted in about half the bacteria cultures as either the hand sanitizer, or just using warm water. In fact, the hand sanitizer looks like it's even worse than simply using warm water. So looking at the four available options, the best choice is "B) Both soap brands out perform hand sanitizer in killing bacteria."
wire 66.0 cm long carries a 0.750 A current in the positive direction of an x axis through a magnetic field $$\vec { B } = ( 3.00 m T ) \hat { j } ...
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solvent: the substance in which a solute dissolves to produce a homogeneous mixture. solute: the substance that dissolves in a solvent to produce a homogeneous mixture.
eSo basically thats aswer