Weight. As a scientific term Weight is referred to as the force that Earth and objects have with each other. Your weight can be different on other planets.
Some examples of when friction is helpful are: to help the movement of tires. When you walk, and also, when you erase. :)
There are three basic forces in aerodynamics: acceleration, which moves an airplane forward; drag, which holds it back; and height, which keeps it airborne. Lift is generally explained by three theories: Bernoulli's principle, the Coanda effect, and Newton's third law of motion.
Answer and explanation:
When you are changing a car tire, the most important thing is to keep the total diameter as equal as possible.
The total car tire diameter can be calculated as:

The profile of this tire is 75 (the higher/taller relation), therefore a 5 percent lower profile would be:
The problem is that the profiles are normalized and the nearest profile available is 70.
If we take a theorical tire with a profile of 71.25:

The theorical tire size should be 205/71 R15.
If we look for a real tire size, we should look for a tire with a diameter nearest to 26.5'' and a profile of 70.
The best option for real tire size is: Tire 225/70 R14 (wheel diameter of 26.4'') or 205/70 R15 (wheel diameter of 26.3'').