Answer: True</h3>
For example, a very dense metal will sink to the bottom while something like wood will float on the surface. The wood is less dense compared to the water, which is why it floats. Density is the measure of how much stuff you can pack in a certain volume. The higher the density, the more stuff per volume. Think of it like packing a suitcase. If there's barely anything in there, then we can say its density is low. The more stuff crammed in the suitcase will increase the density (and therefore the weight), while keeping the volume the same.
change 0.5 g to kg so 0.005kg then change 100 ml to m so 0.001m so density=mass over volume so from there you can continue
Electro waves in a vacuum air is deals with this and electricity when the air and the electricity it makes electro magnets.
demand (an amount) as a price for a service rendered or goods supplied.
to enter or record as an obligation against a person or his account. to accuse or impute a fault to (a person, etc), as formally in a court of law. to command; place a burden upon or assign responsibility toI was charged to take the message to headquarters.