<h2><u>Steps </u><u>:</u></h2>
- <u>Move </u><u>decimal</u><u> </u><u>from</u><u> </u><u>left </u><u>to </u><u>right</u><u> </u><u>=</u><u>0</u><u> </u><u>0</u><u>0</u><u>0</u><u>0</u><u>0</u><u>0</u><u>2</u><u>4</u><u>0</u><u>.</u><u>0</u>
- <u>Then </u><u>count </u><u>the</u><u> </u><u>numbers</u><u> </u><u>before</u><u> </u><u>decimal </u><u>and </u><u>w</u><u>rite </u><u>it </u><u>like</u><u> </u><u>this </u><u>=</u><u>2</u><u>4</u><u>0</u><u>.</u><u>0</u><u>x</u><u>1</u><u>0</u><u> </u><u>power-</u><u>9</u><u> </u>
- <u>That's</u><u> </u><u>all </u>
<u>hope</u><u> it</u><u> </u><u>help</u>
The mechanical energy in the falling water is used to spin the generator, and gets transformed into electrical energy. That's the first choice on the list.
The bodies of arthropods are supported, not by internal bones, but by a hardened exoskeleton<span> made of </span>chitin<span>, a substance produced by many non-arthropods as well. In arthropods, the nonliving exoskeleton is like a form-fitting suit of armor. It is produced by the "skin" and then hardens into a protective outer-covering.</span>
Use round wheels to roll the heap, help the weight by evacuating appended or contained protests, or place a smoother surface betwen the question and the floor. Water or different liquids can be utilized to diminish the protection, yet just on the off chance that they stay between the question and the floor.