Oxygen can combine with a metal to produce a compound
3 ethyl, 4 methylheptane. The compound is named by first identifying the longest carbon chain in the structure. in this case the chain has seven carbon atoms thus the prefix hept-.
Next you identify the substituent groups attached to the long carbon chain and name them from the lowest value of the integer assigned to the carbon atoms from either side. From the right, the ethyl group is attached to carbon number 3 while from the left, the methyl group is attached to carbon number 4. We therefore start with the right and name the attached groups first, including the carbon atoms to which they are attached.
Then we also take into consideration the highest number of bonds between the carbon atoms which is one from the question. Thus the suffix -ane is added if a maximum of one bond, -ene,if two bonds and -yne if three bonds.


The incomplete combustion of alkanes, and other fuels actually, happens when there is a limited supply of oxygen. Instead of the fuel burning completely to produce carbon dioxide, it produces carbon monoxide instead.
This gas is harmful to jumans because it combines with haemoglobin in lood and takes up space that belongs to oxygen which can lead to suffocation or even death
if electrons are shared unequally between bonded atoms
A polar covalent bond is a bond that is formed due to the unequal distribution of electrons between two partially charged atoms. This is observed when the difference in electronegativity between the bond atoms is between 0.5 and 1.7.
A polar bond is a covalent bond between two atoms where the electrons that form the bond are unevenly distributed. This causes the molecule to have a slight electric dipole moment where one end is slightly positive and the other is slightly negative.
The charge of the electric dipoles is less than a full unit charge, so they are considered partial charges and are called delta plus (δ +) and delta minus (δ-).
Because positive and negative charges are separated at the bond, molecules with polar covalent bonds interact with the dipoles of other molecules. This produces intermolecular dipole-dipole forces between the molecules.
Chlorine (Cl) forms a salt when it is combined with a metal. This element belongs in <span>halogens.