Fighting with someone like punch for punch can make the person bleed which an injury to the guy who you fought with and you can be arrested if the parents file a complain at the police station
The light must be either very dim or else non-existent.
We can't see the light wave or the label.
Albert Einstein was from Germany he was born theoritical physicist, from childhood only he loved mechanical toys, he was highly gifted in Mathematics, He was a world citizen and a scientific genius too. His contribution were:
1) he developed the theory of relativity
2) he also discovered the process of nuclear fission
3)he developed the quantum theory of specific heat
4)theory of stimulated emission, on which laser device technology is based
5) law of photoelectric effect
hope it helped you :)
An object is lifted from the surface of a spherical planet to an altitude equal to the radius of the planet.
As a result, the object's <em>mass remains the same</em>, and its <em>weight decreases</em> to 1/4 of whatever it is when the object is on the planet's surface.
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