Reaction: 2K₍s₎ + 2H₂O₍l₎ → 2KOH₍aq₎ + H₂₍g₎.
K - potassium.
H₂O - water.
KOH - potassium-hydroxide.
H₂ - hydrogen.
s - solid phase.
l - liquid.
aq - disolves in water.
g - gas.
Reaction is exothermal (release of energy) and potassium burns a purple flame. H<span>ydrogen released during the reaction reacts with </span>oxygen<span> and ignites.</span><span>
Newton first law of motion
This law by Newton states that an object will remain at rest, or a moving object will stay in motion in a straight line and with the same speed unless an external and unbalanced force acts on the object.
One application of this Newtonian law is in the launching of projectiles like ballistic missiles. A ballistic missile parabolic path is affected by its inertia and the unbalanced forces acting on the object such as air resistance/ drag and gravity.
2Ag + H2O -----> Ag2O + 2H
2Ag + H2O -----> Ag2O + 2H is the equation of the reaction between metal and steam. Silver reacts with water (steam) forming silver oxide and hydrogen gas. When the metals react with steam it produces the solid metal oxide and hydrogen gas. On the surface o metals, a protective layer of aluminium oxide is formed that keeps water away from the metal so we can say that silver oxide and hydrogen are formed from the reaction of silver metal and steam.
Explanation:According to table P, heat- is an organic prefix used to represent 7 carbon atoms
Answer: D. less likely to form any bond