Aluminium was named after alum, which is called 'alumen' in Latin. This name was given by Humphry Davy, an English chemist, who, in 1808, discovered that aluminium could be produced by electrolytic reduction from alumina (aluminium oxide), but did not manage to prove the theory in practice.
If the power is out long enough even the city folks will run out of water. Many homes are all electric, so as soon at the lights are out they have no heat, no hot water and they can't cook. ... If the power is out, gas stations can't pump gas. Once generators run out of gas, those people will be in the dark too.
Supongo que su suma 81632 + 2800 = 84432, por lo que la distancia que logró mover el objeto fue 2800.
The objects that are rubbed together will create charges among themselves due to friction.
(1) The balloon rubbed with a wool cloth will be charged.
(2) If she comb near a small, uncharged object nothing will change.
(3) This is a scientific investigation because it does not involved a step by step process to answer a scientific query.