A. 288,030.91 cy
B. The amount of water that must be removed from the natural material is 483541.04254 gallons of water
The natural material in the barrow properties are;
The mass unit weight, γ = 110.0 pcf
The water content, w = 6%
The specific gravity of the soil solids,
= 2.63
The desired dry unit weight,
= 122 pcf
The water content, w₁ = 5.5 %
The net section volume,
= 245,000 cy = 6,615,000 ft³
= 6,615,000 ft³ × 122 lb/ft³ = 807030000 lbs
w = (
) × 100
= (w/100) ×
= (6/100) × 807030000 lbs = 48421800 lbs
The weight of solids
W =
= 807030000 lbs + 48421800 lbs = 855451800 lbs
V = W/γ = 855451800 lbs/(110.0 lb/ft.³) = 7776834.54545 ft.³ = 288,030.91 cy
V = 288,030.91 cy
The amount of cubic yards of borrow required = 288,030.91 cy
B. The volume of water in the required soil is found as follows;
= (w₁/100) ×
= (5.5/100) × 807030000 lbs = 44386650 lbs
The amount of water that must be added =
= 44386650 lbs - 48421800 lbs = -4,035,150 lbs
Therefore, 4,035,150 lbs of water must be removed
The density of water, ρ = 8.345 lbs/gal
Therefore, V = 4,035,150 lbs/(8.345 lbs/gal) = 483541.04254 gal of water must be removed from the natural material