To find the values of the motor efficiency you use the following formula:

P_o: output power = 864J/0.5min=864J/30s=28.8W
P_i: input power = I*V = (3A)(12V) = 36W
By replacing this values you obtain:

hence, the motor efficiency is about 96%
Pentru a găsi valorile eficienței motorului, utilizați următoarea formulă:
P_o: putere de ieșire = 864J / 0.5min = 864J / 30s = 28.8W
P_i: putere de intrare = I * V = (3A) (12V) = 36W
Înlocuind aceste valori obțineți:
prin urmare, eficiența motorului este de aproximativ 96%
Pitch is directly related to the frequency of the sound. In this item, we are given that the frequency of the sound is higher compared to those which are audible to the human being's ears. The pitch therefore of the dog's whistle is high.
On the other hand, the frequency and the wavelength of a certain wave are inversely proportional. This means that the high frequency wave will have a short wavelength.
Hence, the answer to this item would have to be "high pitch with a short wavelength"
The answer to this item is the second option.
Naturally occurring radio waves are made by lightning or by astronomical objects. Artificially generated radio waves are used for fixed and mobile radio communication, broadcasting, radar and other navigation systems, communications satellites, computer networks and innumerable other applications.
When we are driving we need a lot of attention and concentration. Also one involved in driving should be consious and courteous
Thus, whenever a person is drives, and when he is disactracted by Mobile phones it will destroy his presence of mind.
It will good if use mobile after stopping the vehicle
Uhh it is used to detirmine heat