White lane lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction. (UK)
A. Juna's answer is correct because both the number of feet and the number of inches are correct
The maximum length of the specimen before the deformation was 358 mm or 0.358 m.
The specific deformation ε for the material is:
Where δL and L represent the elongation and initial length respectively. From the HOOK's law we also now that for a linear deformation, the deformation and the normal stress applied relation can be written as:
Where E represents the elasticity modulus. By combining equations (1) and (2) in the following form:

So by calculating ε then will be possible to find L. The normal stress σ is computing with the applied force F and the cross-sectional area A:

Then de specific defotmation:

Finally the maximum specimen lenght for a elongation 0f 0.45 mm is: