I do believe it’s C if I’m wrong Myb fam
Density can be defined in terms of the mass of a substance present in a certain volume.
i.e. Density = Mass/ volume
It helps classify and identify matter due to the following reasons:
1) Density is an intensive property. For a given substance the density will remain the same irrespective of the amount in which it is present.
For example: The density of Aluminum (Al) = 2.7 g/cm3. This value is a constant at a certain temperature and pressure. Therefore, the density will remain the same for 1 kilogram or 1 mg of Al
2) Different elements/compounds have different values of densities which is characteristic of that substance
Answer: c. Some health risks are increased by heredity, which manifest under certain environmental conditions.
Many abiotic factors (non-living factors) such as radiations, hazardous substances present in the environment such as air, water and soil may originate from the industries, mining practices, fossil fuels and landfills. Some of the substances are carcinogenic and mutagenic in nature. These are capable of affecting the genetic make up of the organism. The genetic variations or mutations occurs may transmit from the parent to the offsprings.
Therefore, on the basis of the above information, c. Some health risks are increased by heredity, which manifest under certain environmental conditions. is the correct option.
Intertidal zone
Neritic zone
Open-ocean zone
Note: the correct questions are found below;
In which zone do you find marshes and mangrove forests?
In which zone are plankton plentiful, providing plenty of food for the fish that live there?
In which zone would you find very little plant or animal life compared to other zones?
The intertidal zone, sometimes called the littoral zone, is the area of the marine shoreline that is exposed to air at low tide, and covered with seawater when the tide is high. Intertidal zonation refers to the tendency of plants and animals to form distinct communities between the high and low tide lines. Some microclimates in the littoral zone are moderated by local features and larger plants such as mangroves.
The neritic zone is the region of shallow water (200 meters depth) above the continental shelf where light penetrates to the sea floor.
Due to the abundant supply of sunlight and nutrients such as plankton in this zone, it is the most productive ocean zone supporting the vast majority of marine life.
The open oceans or pelagic ecosystems are the areas away from the coastal boundaries and above the seabed. It encompasses the entire water column and lies beyond the edge of the continental shelf. It extends from the tropics to the polar regions and from the sea surface to the abyssal depths.