A. Physical science is the study of energy and inanimate matter. Life science is the study of living organisms.
Sciences can be grouped into physical science and life sciences. PHYSICAL SCIENCE is a branch of science that involves the study of energy and inanimate objects i.e lifeless. Physical science encompass the following: physics, chemistry, astronomy, geology etc.
On the other hand, LIFE SCIENCES, as the name implies, is the study of living organisms. It is also referred collectively to as BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES and it includes aspects such as biology, botany (plant), zoology (animal), microbiology (microbes), biochemistry etc.
Silver and Gold belong to a special group of metals known as the native metals. They are found naturally on their own and not in combined form in rocks.
- These metals are found uncombined because they are unreactive.
- They prefer to alloy with themselves.
- Calcium and magnesium on the other hand are reactive metals.
- The unreactivity of these metals makes them uncombined in nature.
When dissolved in water, acids donate hydrogen ions (H+). Hydrogen ions are hydrogen atoms that have lost an electron and now have just a proton, giving them a positive electrical charge. ... If a solution has a high concentration of H+ ions, then it is acidic.
With the lack of these 3 factors you throw off your health triangle and your health is unbalanced. When you eat well you can get vitamins such as "E" and "C". These vitamins help build up immune cells that help build the immune system. When a person does not get enough sleep that person is more open to viruses and bacteria. Getting the recommended vaccines help you to fight off possible diseases or illnesses. They make you immune system stronger so you can be healthier.