The correct options are;
C. Alternating current and direct current
E. Electrolyte
Electricity is generated in either AC or DC depending on the source of the energy which aids the electricity generation;
The most common method through which electricity is generated and through which the principle of electric generation was discovered by Michael Faraday, is the rotation of a wire loop or coil between the North and South poles of a magnet to produce Alternating Current
Electricity is also generated in Direct Current by solar cells which convert sunlight into electric energy by photovoltaic effect.
20. Electrolysis is a chemical reaction that is brought about by the application or passing of a direct electric current through an electrolyte, which is an ion containing liquid.
Gs = 2.647
e = 0.7986
We know that moist unit weight of soil is given as

= moist unit weight of the soil
Gs = specific gravity of the soil
S = degree of saturation
e = void ratio
= unit weight of water = 9.81 kN/m3
From data given we know that:
At 50% saturation,
puttng all value to get Gs value;

Gs - 1.194*e = 1.694 .........(1)
for saturaion 75%, unit weight = 17.71 KN/m3

Gs - 1.055*e = 1.805 .........(2)
solving both equations (1) and (2), we obtained;
Gs = 2.647
e = 0.7986
Answer: it’s very bad behavior and can be dangerous