Physics involves math because calculations have to be made and u use math to make calculations
Runner A
Both B and C finished the race from 25 seconds
But A runner finished it from 20 seconds
A) and B) are correct.
If the object is at rest, it means that no net force is exerted on it.
As the object experiences a downward gravitational force from Earth, in order to be at rest, it must experience an upward force with the same magnitude as the gravitational force on the object.
This force is supplied by the normal force, which can adopt any value in order to meet the condition imposed by Newton´s 2nd Law, and is always perpendicular to the surface on which the object is placed (in this case, the ground).
At a molecular level, this normal force is supplied by the bonded molecules of the ground that behave like small springs being compressed by the molecules of the object, exerting an upward restoring force upward on them.
So, the statements A) and B) are true.
A branch circuit is the circuit conductor between the final overcurrent device protecting the circuit and the outlet(s). Branch circuits are divided into four categories: appliance, general purpose, individual and multiwire