the two vehicles will be moving at a speed of 6.16 m/s
This is a case of completely inelastic collision, therefore, the conservation of momentum can be written as:

which given the information provided results into:

1. draught
2. Parallax error
3. angle if displacement
4. air resistance or any form of obstruction
To solve this problem it is necessary to apply the concepts related to Dopler's Law. Dopler describes the change in frequency of a wave in relation to that of an observer who is in motion relative to the Source of the Wave.
It can be described as

c = Propagation speed of waves in the medium
= Speed of the receiver relative to the medium
= Speed of the source relative to the medium
Frequency emited by the source
The sign depends on whether the receiver or the source approach or move away from each other.
Our values are given by,
Velocity of car
velocity of motor
Velocity of sound
Frequency emited by the source
Replacing we have that

Therefore the frequency that hear the motorcyclist is 601.7Hz
A. is meaningless.
B. is perigee.
C. is apogee.
D. is perihelion.