There is no such thing as an AC Generator, if its a generator, its DC. I think you are talking about an AC Alternator, in which case the answer would be -wrong answer, deleted-
Let R be radius of Earth with the amount of 6378 km h = height of satellite above Earth m = mass of satellite v = tangential velocity of satellite
Since gravitational force varies contrariwise with the square of the distance of separation, the value of g at altitude h will be 9.8*{[R/(R+h)]^2} = g'
So now gravity acceleration is g' and gravity is balanced by centripetal force mv^2/(R+h):
m*v^2/(R+h) = m*g' v = sqrt[g'*(R + h)]
Satellite A: h = 542 km so R+h = 6738 km = 6.920 e6 m g' = 9.8*(6378/6920)^2 = 8.32 m/sec^2 so v = sqrt(8.32*6.920e6) = 7587.79 m/s = 7.59 km/sec
Satellite B: h = 838 km so R+h = 7216 km = 7.216 e6 m g' = 9.8*(6378/7216)^2 = 8.66 m/sec^2 so v = sqrt(8.32*7.216e6) = 7748.36 m/s = 7.79 km/sec
E- The star becomes a red giant (LATEST STAGE)
F- The surface of the star becomes brighter and cooler
C- Pressure from the star's hydrogen-burning shell causes the non burning envelope to expand
A- The shell of hydrogen surrounding the star's nonburning helium core ignites.
D- The star's non burning helium core starts to contract and heat up
B- Pressure in the star's core decreases (EARLIEST STAGE)
(A star moves away from the main sequence once its core runs out of hydrogen to fuse into helium. The energy once supplied by hydrogen burning reduces and the core starts to compress under the force of gravity. This contraction allows the core and surrounding layers to heat up. Finally, the hydrogen shell around the core becomes hot enough to ignite hydrogen burning.