I can not solve the problem if I do not have the mass.
The density of the fluid is 776.3 
Buoyant force is the upward pushing force whenever an object is trying to get immersed in fluid. So this is the force given by the fluid on the object which is trying to get immersed. The buoyant force is found to be directly proportional to the product of density of the object, volume of the object. And here the acceleration due to gravity will be acting as proportionality constant.

As, buoyant force is given as 671 N and volume is 0.0882
and acceleration is known as 9.8 m/
. Then density is


Density is 776.3 kg
The power that the light is able to utilize out of the supply is only 0.089 of the given.
Power utilized = (0.089)(22 W)
= 1.958 W
= 1.958 J/s
The energy required in this item is the product of the power utilized and the time. That is,
Energy = (1.958 J/s)(1 s) = 1.958 J
Thus, the light energy that the bulb is able to produce is approximately 1.958 J.
If the resistance of the Air is ignored, we can use the theory given by Galileo in which he warned that the thermal velocity of a body in free fall was given by

g = Gravitational acceleration
t = time
As we can see the speed of objects in free fall is indifferent to the position that is launched (as long as the resistance of the air is ignored) or its mass.
Both bodies will end with the same thermal speed.