Answer: At some point in your chemistry education, you may have been introduced to the song “The Elements in which Tom Lehrer does a rapid
fire musical rendition of all the elements' names. Like me, you may even have been offered the opportunity to memorize this song for extra credit. If so, it’s possible that you still remember the names of all the elements, which is an impressive feat—not to mention a fun trick to pull out at parties.
They are all <u>non-metal elements</u>.
Hello fellow brainlian! here is the answer that you seek:High pressure areas are usually caused by air masses being cooled, either from below (for instance, the subtropical high pressure zones that form over relatively cool ocean waters to the west of Califormia, Africa, and South America
Have a totally horse-some day!
With love,
-The one and only Alaska
The potential energy of the reactants is 200J.
From the energy diagram, the energy of the product formed is 350J; this means that, this reaction is an endothermic reaction, because it absorbs energy from its environment.<span />
Groundwater pollution
Pesticides, when sprayed on crop plants, are able to flow below the surface of the ground, reaching water-bearing aquifers, thereby contaminating groundwater, making it unsuitable for both human and agricultural uses.