The patented TRUE-TECH Self-Heating Technology is a simple combination of food grade iron and magnesium powder, salt, and water. When the contents of the water pouch are poured over the heater pad, the Food Heater releases enough heat to warm-up a pre-cooked meal 100 degrees Fahrenheit in approximately 10 minutes.
We know that there are 100 cm in 1 m, so we can use this to convert to meters:

Therefore we know that
cm is equal to 2.41 m.
The answers are low concentrated (dilute) and high concentrated respectively.
As the low concentrated salt solution has a higher water potential than that of the high concentrated salt solution, water molecules will flow from the region of higher water potential to the region of lower water potential, thus from the dilute salt solution to the high concentrated salt solution. This is due to the movement called osmosis. Note that osmosis also requires water to flow through a differentially permeable membrane, which means the membrane can allow certain substances (not all) to go in or out. If the differentially permeable membrane is not present, the movement of water molecules may be regarded as diffusion.
Therefore, the answers for the blanks are low concentrated and high concentrated.