The equation to calculate is wavelength= velocity/ frequency so to find the velocity you would have to multiply frequency by wavelength.
The ground exerts an equal force on the golf ball
Answer:D increase in frequency
D. If a home were wired in series, every light and appliance would have to be turned on in order for any light or appliance to work.
In a series circuit, all the appliances are connected on the same branch of the circuit, one after the other. This means that the current flowing throught them is the same. However, this means also that if one of the appliance is turned off (so, its switch is open), that appliance breaks the circuit, so the current can no longer flow through the other appliances either.
On the contrary, when the appliances are connected in parallel, they are connected in different branches, so if one of them is switched off, the other branches continue working unaffacted by it.