The reason why Marina sees the colour red, white and blue or the original colour of the American flag is that because of a phenomenon known as Afterimage. The retina in our eyes have mainly three receptors that are colour sensitive known as cones. These receptors can perceive the colour green, red and blue. Now when we look or stare at a particular colour for a long time, what happen is that our retina becomes tired and they ignore the colours that stared at. And now they work to form other colours at the retina just like the way when we produce other colour from the primary colour.
If the red receptor gets exhausted we will see the colour red. Likewise when we see the colour orange when we stare at the colour blue.
This explains the optical illusion of the American flag.
<span>Igneous rocks which form by the crystallization of magma at a depth within the Earth are called intrusive rocks. Intrusive rocks are characterized by large crystal sizes, i.e., their visual appearance shows individual crystals interlocked together to form the rock mass. hope that helped</span>
Answer: 0.17</h2>
The Stefan-Boltzmann law establishes that a black body (an ideal body that absorbs or emits all the radiation that incides on it) "emits thermal radiation with a total hemispheric emissive power proportional to the fourth power of its temperature":
is the energy radiated by a blackbody radiator per second, per unit area (in Watts). Knowing 
is the Stefan-Boltzmann's constant.
is the Surface area of the body
is the effective temperature of the body (its surface absolute temperature) in Kelvin.
However, there is no ideal black body (ideal radiator) although the radiation of stars like our Sun is quite close. So, in the case of this body, we will use the Stefan-Boltzmann law for real radiator bodies:
is the body's emissivity
(the value we want to find)
from (2):
(5) This is the body's emissivity
Momentum is (mass) times (speed), so nothing that is at rest has any momentum. If the battleship is at rest, then a mosquito in flight, a leaf falling from a tree, and your speedy baseball each have more momentum than the ship has.
Saturn is a planet in solar system. It's ring is made out of small covered ice particle. It has over 30 moons.