The well is 7.1 meters deep.
The formula to use here is the distance in a uniformly accelerated motion:
where d stands for distance, t for time, a for acceleration, v0 and d0 for initial velocity and distance, respectively. Since the initial distance and velocity are both zero, we are left with the first term. The coin is in free fall and so it is accelerated by gravity:
The well is 7.1 meters deep.
Hello friend where is the figure of the question
Its heat capacity is higher than that of any other liquid or solid, its specific heat being 1 cal / g, this means that to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1 ° C it is necessary to provide an amount of heat equal to a calorie . Therefore, the heat capacity of 1 g of water is equal to 1 cal / K.
The water has a very high heat capacity, a large amount of heat is necessary to raise its temperature 1.0 ° K. For biological systems this is very important because the cellular temperature is modified very little in response to metabolism. In the same way, aquatic organisms, if water did not possess that quality, would be very affected or would not exist.
This means that a body of water can absorb or release large amounts of heat, with little temperature change, which has a great influence on the weather (large bodies of water in the oceans take longer to heat and cool than the ground land). Its latent heats of vaporization and fusion (540 and 80 cal / g, respectively) are also exceptionally high.
The nucleons(protons and neutrons) are held together by means of this strong force. If this strong never existed, all the nucleus will blow themselves due to strong repulsive force between protons(neutron has no charge).
Thats it!
If I explain beyond, it will surely bounce off your head. Anyways, if you wanna know more bout it, ping me. (:
If your engine is not at the right temprature, usually when it is too hot.