Branch of science that studies matter and its motion through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force. Describing the nature, measuring and quantifying of bodies and their motion, and dynamics.
Tha ball- earth/floor system.
The force acting on the ball is the force of gravity when ignoring air resistance. At the moment the player releases the ball, until it reaches the top of its bounce, the small system for which the momentum is conserved is the ball- floor system. The balls exerts and equal and opposite force on the floor. <u>Here the ball hits the floor, because in any collision the momentum is conserved. Moment of the ball -floor system is conserved</u>. Mutual gravitation bring the ball and floor together in one system. As the ball moves downwards, the earth moves upwards, although with an acceleration on the order of 1025 times smaller than that of the ball. The two objects meet, rebound and separate.
<em>In the case of a solar thermal panel we are trying to heat above the ambient temperature so conduction and convection will work against us by taking heat from the panel to the out- side world. ... The sun (at 6000 C surface temperature) is hotter than the solar panel so the panel will get hot due to the solar radiation.</em>

The torque of a force is given by:

F is the magnitude of the force
d is the distance between the point of application of the force and the centre of rotation of the system
is the angle between the direction of the force and d
In this problem, we have:
, the force
, the distance of application of the force from the centre (0,0)
, the angle between the direction of the force and a
Therefore, the torque is