The mass of an object stays the same wherever it is, but its weight can change. This happens if the object goes where the gravitational field strength is different from the gravitational field strength on Earth, such as into space or another planet.
Plant's produce oxygen, to explain this you would state that the plant uses CO2 from the air and removes the carbon and then release breathable O2 into the atmosphere. To test this you could use a small fern and put it in a sealed container of some kind big enough to hold it, then add a burning candle in the container with the plant, since we know fire burms O2 and creates CO2 the plant should use the CO2 and create more O2 keeping the fire from burning out from lack of oxygen
Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are considered nonrenewable because they can not be replenished in a short period of time
2.3 grams of wood has the same energy as 1g of oil.
The majority of wood and wood waste used as fuel in the United States is used by industry. Manufacturers of paper and wood products are the biggest industrial users. They produce steam and electricity from waste from paper and lumber mills, which saves money by lowering the number of other fuels and electricity they need to buy to run their facilities.
There are numerous power plants that primarily burn wood to produce electricity in the electric power sector, and some coal-burning power plants burn wood chips along with coal to cut down on sulfur dioxide emissions. The primary purpose of wood consumption in the business sector is heating.
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