The result might require 9 bits to store
The Servant does not kill the child Oedipus as he was ordered to do because "He pitied the child" based on the Oedipus Rex story. The servant was ordered to kill the child because of the prophecy that predicted King Laius' death. The king already had attempted to hurt Oedipus by piercing Oedipus's ankle. However, the servant did not finish the job and he rather saved the baby Oedipus.
As there was no attached picture, I will explain how to take the measurement of liquids in any buret which you can then apply to the specific question
A buret is a laboratory apparatus used to precisely measure the volume of liquids (usually alkalise or bases) used in a titration experiment. The standard buret has a capacity of 50 ml and graduated in 0.1ml though burets with smaller capacities exist.
From the question, your buret is filled to the top (0.00ml) with liquid. It is very important when taking buret readings to place the buret below your eye level so that the bottom meniscus (lower part of the liquid) can be read.
To take the buret reading, note your initial buret reading (in this case 0.00ml) then titrate the liquid base in the buret against the acid by opening the tap located at the bottom of the buret.
When the titration or reaction is complete, note the final reading against the calibration of buret. You can do this by observing the lower meniscus of the liquid remaining in the buret. (Remember to keep the buret at eye level to avoid parallax error),
The difference between your final buret reading and the initial buret reading gives you the precise volume of liquid used in the reaction.
An oscilloscope display grid or scale is called a graticule.