reversible reaction or covalent bonds
large supply of nutrients.
In a wetland, the soil is covered by water or is almost covered by water. This water may be coming upwards from an underground aquifer. Wetlands are covered by water for most of the year.
They are sheltered waters and do provide habitats for many living things.
Nutrients such as; Carbon sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, and nitrogen are cycled within the soil of wetlands hence wetlands have a large supply of nutrients.
The four characrteristics of warm blooded animals are÷
i=They can keep its body temperature the same no matter what the outside temperature .
ii=They can maintain a constant body temperature.
iii=They obtain energy from food consumption.
iv=They maintain their body temperature higher than environment.
This question appears incomplete
This question appears incomplete because the data provided only makes it possible to calculate the certainty of the acetic acid content per total volume of the vinegar. Thus, the 4% means for every 100 mL of the vinegar, there is 4 mL of acetic acid present. To calculate the volume of acetic acid in any other volume of vinegar, the formula will be
volume of acetic acid = 4/100 × total volume of vinegar