Atomic neutron mass electron number
They found that difference occurs in the speed of both sound and charges occur due to the difference in the type of medium.
Sound and charges needs specific medium for faster movement i.e. sound moves faster in solid as compared to liquid and gas whereas charges moves faster and easily in gold due to lower resistance which is followed by copper. Sound can move from solid, liquid and gases whereas charges move only in solid metal in which free electrons are present. The speed of sound and flow of current are affected due to difference in the arrangement of atoms in solid, liquid and gas.
1. D
2. DR
3. SR
4. DR
5. C
6. SR
7. S
8. D
10. C
Solution A: crenation
Solution B: hemolysis
Solution C: hemolysis
Solution D: crenation
Solution E: crenation
Hemolysis is the rupturing of red blood cells, which results in the release of hemoglobin (from within the red blood cells) into the plasma. If a red blood cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water will flow into the cell, the cell will swell and hemolysis will.
Crenation: when a red blood cell is placed in a <em>hypertonic solution (</em>such as highly saline solution), the red blood cell will lose water(osmosis) and will shrink in size. The red blood cell has undergone crenation.
In order for a red blood cell to prevent from undergoing hemolysis or crenation, the cell must be placed in an<em> isotonic solution, </em>i.e either in <u>0.9% (m/v) NaCl solution</u> or <u>5% glucose solution</u>
- Solution B and Solution C are hypotonic solution, thus red blood cell has undergone hemolysis.
- Solution A, D and E are hypertonic solution. thus red blood cell has undergone crenation
Evaporate minerals are more soluble than calcite and quartz.
Evaporate minerals are the water soluble minerals which at higher concentration precipitate out and crystallized forming rocks.
example of chemicals present are:
chlorides and sulphates.
Quartz is silica (very less soluble, or insoluble)
Calcite is calcium carbonate, again an insoluble salt.
Evaporate minerals are more soluble than calcite and quartz.