It has 8 electrons I the answer
The pH of pure water is 7.0, which is neutral.
For a pH below this, the water is acidic. Substances that are acidic are often corrosive and thus could cause weather damaging. The pH of the precipitation in NY is below that of the precipitation in IL, and NY receives more precipitation, so for both of those reasons, it is likely to have more chemical weathering.
Phosphoric Acid - The last answer choice
A solution contains one or more of the following ions such as Ag, and
Here the Lithium bromide is added to the solution and no precipitate forms
Since with LiBr no precipitation takes place therefore Ag+ is absent
Here on adding to it precipitation takes place.
Precipitate is as follows,
is present
When is added again precipitation takes place.
Therefore the reaction is as follows,
are present in the solution