Thus, for the compound between Na + and Cl −, we have the ionic formula NaCl (Figure 3.5 "NaCl = Table Salt").
Depending upon the clumping reaction with anti A , anti B and anti Rh antibodies the blood types are determined.
Agglutination (clumping) will occur when blood that contains the particular antigen is mixed with the particular antibody.
A+ have Agglutination with Anti-A ,Anti-Rh and No agglutination with Anti-B.
A- have Agglutination with Anti-A and No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
B+ have Agglutination with Anti-B Anti-Rh and No agglutination with Anti-A.
B- have Agglutination with Anti-B and No agglutination with Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
Rh+ have Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-Rh and No agglutination with Anti-B.
Rh- have No Agglutination with Anti-A and Anti-B and Anti-Rh.
state ant two rights of women and children in relationships
Gravity because the earth's gravity is what's causing it to orbit it