Whales facilitate carbon absorption in two ways. On the one hand, their movements — especially when diving — tend to push nutrients from the bottom of the ocean to the surface, where they feed the phytoplankton and other marine flora that suck in carbon, as well as fish and other smaller animals.
Positron emission = emission of a positron and a neutrino when a
proton is convert into a neutron. The total number of particles in the
nucleus doesn't change, -1 proton +1 neutron
It's a spontaneous reaction for some nucleus.
Positron = e+
O-15 --> N-15 + e+ +ve
capture= A nucleus absorb an electron while a proton is convert in a
neutron and emit a neutrino. The total number of particles in the
nucleus doesn't change, -1 proton +1 neutron
Al-26 +e- --> Mg-26 + ve
capture and positron emission are two mechanisms to explain the decay
of some unstable isotopes. Electron capture is usually observed when the
energy difference between the initial and final state is low. Mainly
because of the larger amount of kinetic energy need for the expulsion
two particles with the positron emission mechanism.
The surface would be flat
The time it took her to drive 2 km is 11.43 seconds, because sonverting kilometers to meters, it is 1000 meters to every kilometer, and she travels 2 kilometers, which is two-thousand meters. Then to find the time you need to divide the time by the speed, and with that you get 11.4285714286, or 11.43 seconds.