A. Electric potential energy into kinetic energy
The electric potential energy of the charged particles is converted into kinetic energy as the electron is released.
F = 0
The magnetic force is described by two expressions
for a moving charge
F = q v x B
for a wire with a current
F = I L xB
bold indicates vectors
let's write this equation in module form
F = I L B sin θ
where the angle is between the direction of the current and the direction of the magnetic field
In this case they indicate that the cable goes from the South wall to the North wall, so this is the direction of the current
The magnetic field of the Earth goes from the south to the north and in this part it is horizontal
Therefore the current and the magnetic field are parallel, the angle between them is zero
sin 0 = 0
consequently the magnetic force is zero
F = 0
An Energy held by an object because of its position relative by other objects
a physical change occurs when materials change shape or size but not the molecular composition of the substance
The time required by the impulse to travel from foot to brain equals 0.019 seconds
For uniform motion the distance, speed, time are related by the equation

In our case since the person is 1.90 meters tall so the nerve impulse will have to cover a distance of 1.90 meters at a speed of 100 m/s.
Hence the time required for the impulse to travel from foot to the brain can be calculated as