2 seconds,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
C)focusing on one goal at a time
Self-modification programs could be regarded as a program that help individual in managing unwanted as well as dysfunctional behavioral responses whenever they are going through a problem and try to deal with it. For instance the dysfunctional behavioral response for someone with a panic attack is avoidance. Some of the the steps that are involved in in a self-modification program are;
✓ specifying target behavior ✓designing a program
✓ gathering data about target behavior
If you're only melting ice ... turning solid ice at 0°C into liquid water at 0°C ...
then you only need to know t<span>he latent heat of fusion for water</span>.
That's exactly what it means ... the amount of energy involved when a gram
of H₂O changes in either direction between liquid and solid, with no change
in temperature.
Always in the form of heat energy
601 nm
Energy of photon having wavelength of λ nm
Energy of 249 nm photon
=4.996 eV
Similarly energy of 425nm photon
=2.927 eV
Difference = 2.069 eV.
This energy will give rise to another photon whose wavelength will be
λ = 
= 601 nm.