1. Absolute time, also known as Newtonian time is a time that exists independent of the observer of the time, and therefore, can only be expressed through mathematics
Absolute dating is a dating method that makes use of the radioactive property of matter and is determined through dating of radioactive isotopes present
Absolute time (dating) is found through radioactive dating
2. Radioactive isotopes are atoms that have the property of unstable proton neutron combination or excess energy nucleus. They can be fined as unstable element
3. A stabilized isotope are the decay product atoms of the element which are non radioactive.
4. The half life is the time it takes the original isotope to decay into the decay product
5. To determine the age of a rock, the proportion of the original isotope to the amount of decay product in the rock is compared
6. The isotope used to date organic materials is carbon-14
7. The isotope used to date rocks with comparable age to the Earth is Uranium-238 that has a half life of 4.468 billion years
8. The half life of carbon-14 is only 5,700 years while the age of a dinosaur is between 245 and 66 million years ago, and therefore, carbon is absent in most fossils
9. Uranium-238 is only found in igneous or volcanic rocks and not in metamorphic rocks, therefore, fossils of dinosaur as well as other fossils that are buried in sedimentary materials, including sand and clay, cannot be determined by Uranium-238