d. Help a friend edit his college application
Benefits and Challenges of living in a monsoon region.
Each season comes with some benefits and also with some challenging situations. So does monsoon season. Few benefits for people residing in monsoon regions are:
1.Water is the most essential need for a living. And monsoon helps fill the rivers and lakes which people can then use it. So basically people living in monsoon prone areas will hardly have water shortage.
2. Rainy season is also very important for animals and crops.
3. Talking about the temperature, monsoon regions always have a cool and warm atmosphere which liked by all.
While enjoying the benefits of monsoon, there are some challenging factors as well-
1. The most common challenge one can face is diseases which come from rain water. All water borne diseases is dangerous to health and can be cured soon
3. Another challenging situation comes when there is flood. For example, if one wants to reach urgently somewhere, then going at destination can be difficult.
3. Lastly, if rain is beneficial for crops, then excess rain can also damage them thus a great loss in agriculture has to be faced.
Numbers 6:24-26
The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.
This is the NIV version by the way
This is my take on the question!! hope it helps !! I think that individualism is declining in our society. Today teens want to be seen as trendy by following trends that their friends follow or see on the internet. Lot of teens will follow what they see on social media which influences them to be like others. They want to be seen as cool or trendy so they follow the people who have lots of influence to be like them taking away their individuality. Though there are lots of people who follow themselves and don’t try to be like others. There are more people that want to be like others than not.