I think you should hold a stretch for 10-30 seconds
All you can say about it is that it then vibrates perpendicular to the x-axis. But that could be up and down parallel to the y-axis, in and out parallel to the z-axis, or some of it in every possible direction perpendicular to the x-axis. We "polarize" the light when we want to pick out only one perpendicular direction and stop all the others.
It is a parallel connection
In parallel connection the
Cell is not easily used up because the cells share the total current generated together with all bulbs.
But a major problem is the bulbs must not be left together undisconnected to avoid exhaustion arising from short fall in the strength of one cell as this bounds to affect others
This would be more of a chemistry question. Remember magnesium has a charge of 2+, and would need to hand off its two extra electrons. Fluorine can only take one electron at a time, so there needs to be two fluorines to take one magnesium's 2 electrons.
With lithium, it has a +1 charge, so it has one extra electron, which it can hand off to just 1 fluorine atom.
Another way of looking at this is:
+ 2
= MgF2 (the charges must balance out to zero)
= LiF (the charges balance out to zero)
The one that would explain why the two groups of scientists got different results is :
They had different specialties and interpreted their data differently
Probably one analyze it with x theory and the other use y theory
hope this helps