Zinc Oxide is the IUPAC name for ZnO
Each enzyme's active site is suitable for one specific type of substrate – just like a lock that has the right shape for only one specific key. Changing the shape of the active site of an enzyme will cause its reaction to slow down until the shape has changed so much that the substrate no longer fits.
Lime is added to lower the acidity of lakes when pH levels go too low.
Acidic environment is harmful to aquatic ecosystems. Acidity causes some minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium, in the water to become unavailable to aquatic organisms like plants and fishes ( This means the water hardness is reduced). The low nutrients cause stress and death in the aquatic environment lowering biodiversity. Applying lime raises the pH to neutral levels and improves the health of the aquatic life in the lake. This also improves economic activities in the lake like fishing.
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The force of the gases pushes downward at the same time that the gases push the rocket upwards. 1.
Answer: Seastars prey on mussels and shellfish which would otherwise have no other natural predators. Herbivorous fish like the butterflyfish pictured to the left prey on marine algae. Without this crucial predator-prey balance, the algae would over-grow, which would then kill coral, as they compete for the same resources.