Synthesis reaction
Synthesis reaction: two or more compounds combine to form one.
A + B → C
Decomposition reaction: one compound forms two or more.
C → A + B
Single replacement reaction: an element in one compound is replaced with another element.
AB + C → AC + B
Double replacement reaction: elements in two compounds replace each other.
AB + CD → AC + BD
Bernoulli's equation states mathematically that if a fluid is flowing through a tube and the tube diameter decreases, then the velocity of the fluid increases, the pressure decreases, and the mass flow (and therefore volumetric flow) remains constant so long as the air density is constan
<span>the scientific study of the human mind and its functions..</span>
Planets orbit the sun in the paths which are known as elliptical orbit. Each planet has its own orbit around the sun and direction in which all the planets orbit around the sun are the same. These orbits were well explained by the astronomer Kepler. The gravity of the Sun keeps the planets in their orbits. They stay in their orbits because there is no other force in the Solar System which can stop them.