The correct approach will be the "Linguistic-relativity hypothesis".
- This theory can be defined as either the Hypothesis of Sapir-Whorf. This theory proposes whether our cognitive capabilities are influenced by languages as well as decide how we start behaving and communicate throughout society.
- Sapir Whorf explains these variations throughout the nature of human language throughout the manner a person understands the world.
A. cycas
1. it is thick and scaly
2. it grow relatively slowly and have a large, terminal rosette of leaves.
B. bamboo
1. it is very durable
2. it is both flexible and elastic
C. lemna
1. it grows as simple free-floating thalli on or just beneath the water surface
2. it are small, not exceeding 5 mm in length
D. paddy
1. it is variety purity
2. it degree of purity
E. sugarcane
1. it is bear long sword-shaped leaves
2. it's stalks are composed of many segments, and in each joint there is a bud
Half life means that 50% of the sample is gone at 3.3 years. This means that an additional 3.3 years (total 6.6 years) will reduce the sample a further 50% from the point at 3.3 years. In numbers, this means 50% of 50% (0.50*0.50), which is 25%.
everything else is above the earth