The higher your price, the less volume you have to produce for a given dollar amount of profit! Even a small price increase can generate significant additional profit. ... When a business comes out with a new product or service and they are the first to market, they may be able to charge high prices initially.
The heat released by the water when it cools down by a temperature difference AT
is Q = mC,AT
m=432 g is the mass of the water
C, = 4.18J/gºC
is the specific heat capacity of water
AT = 71°C -18°C = 530
is the decrease of temperature of the water
Plugging the numbers into the equation, we find
Q = (4329)(4.18J/9°C)(53°C) = 9.57. 104J
and this is the amount of heat released by the water.
A ammonia as it has the least molar mass
You need to find moles of the gas, so you would use the ideal gas law:
R= gas constant
Tenperature in Kelvin
n= PV/RT
(1.00atm)(1.35L)/(.08206)(332K) = 0.050mol
Molar mass is grams per mole, so
(3.75g/.050mol) = 75g/mol