The solubility of a substance in water is dependent on the temperature. Thus for
1 & 2: Temperature is the independent variable (the one that changes in the first place) and Solubility is a dependent variable (a variable that changes in response to changes in the independent variable.)
The graph: by convention you shall label the horizontal axis with the independent variable and the vertical axis with the dependent variable. For clarity's sake you shall use the finest scale possible that accommodates for all data provided for both axis. Plot the data points on the graph as if they are points on a cartesian plane.
My teacher made no detailed requirements on the phrasing on titles of solubility curve plots; however, like most other graphs in chemistry, the title shall specify the name of variables presented in this visualization. For instance, "the solubility of
under different temperatures" might do. You shall refer to your textbooks for such convention.
It is necessary to interpolate to find the solubility at a temperature not given in the table. Start by connecting all given data points with a smooth line; find the vertical line corresponding to temperature = 75 degree Celsius and determine the solubility at the intersection of the vertical line and the trend line. That point shall approximates the solubility of the salt at that temperature.
1. Chemical
2. Physical
1. Exothermic
2. Endothermic
1. Chemical
2. Physical
When a solid is heated, the particles are given more energy and start to vibrate faster. at a certain temperature, the particles vibrate so much that there order structure breaks down. at this point the solid melts into liquid
Answer: 45.983 g CBr₄
To convert from moles to grams, you know that we will need molar mass and Avogadro's number.
Avogadro's number: 6.022×10²³ molecules/mol
Molar mass: 331.627 grams/mol
Now that we have what we need, you can use these to solve for grams. 
Our final answer is 45.983 g CBr₄.